When a Hostile Working Environment is Unlawfully “Hostile”
As a labor and employment attorney, I am often asked by potential clients if they have a viable claim against their employer for being subjected to…

You’ll Earn The Same As A Man … In 2058
Last week the Institute for Women’s Policy Research released a report[1] about the employment and…
The Willard Intercontinental Hotel violates DC Human Rights Act
The DC Office of Human Rights (OHR) reaffirmed that the Willard InterContinental Hotel forced a gay assistant chef out of his job after he complained that…

Child Custody in Divorce
Preparation for Custody Hearings (Part 1) A Maryland family court making child custody decisions makes two mutually exclusive determinations: 1) legal custody (a determination of…

Lions, tigers, and bears – not mine: understanding exotic pet laws
“Man has long been diversely fascinated with animals.” [1] Mike Tyson counted pet tigers among his pets, Kristen Stewart and her mother raise wolf-dog hybrids, and…

How Abraham Lincoln and Outside-the-Box Thinking Can Help Unions Stop Government Contractor Wage Theft
To secure to each labourer the whole product of his labour, or as nearly as possible, is a most worthy object of any good government. …
The Supreme Court’s Amazon Warehouse Workers Decision and its Impact in Maryland
Last week, the Supreme Court ruled that federal law does not require that warehouse workers who package goods for Amazon be paid for the time…
DC Voters Approve Marijuana Legalization
On November 4, 2014, DC residents voted to legalize marijuana. DC had already decriminalized marijuana in July of this year. Soon, however, a person 21 years…
Does the Attorney-Client Privilege Continue to Apply After Your Death? Of Course It Does … Don’t Be So Sure.
Last month, the Maryland Court of Appeals formally recognized the testamentary exception to the attorney-client privilege. In Zook v. Pesce, 438 Md. 232 (2014), the high…
The Legal Appeal of the Ray Rice Appeal: Despite a Broken Process, Ray Rice’s Indefinite Suspension Should Be Reversed on Appeal
One of the most explosive issues in sports right now is the NFL’s discipline of its players. Discipline has been inconsistent, the NFL is accused of…
JGL Partner Jay P. Holland Settles Sexual Harassment Case for $250,000.00
Jay Holland, head of the firm’s Labor & Employment Practice, successfully litigated, and negotiated a settlement on behalf of a client for $250,000.00. The client was…

Supreme Court brings Fourth Amendment into the Digital Age with Cell Phone Ruling
On Wednesday June 25, in a unanimous ruling the Supreme Court held that the police need warrants to search the cellphones of people they arrest.…