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NBC News: Discrimination Suit Against Maryland State Police Will Go Forward

NBC News covered the recent Federal court decision which allows the discrimination suit against the Maryland State Police (MSP) to proceed. The lawsuit alleges that the state police agency has a longstanding pattern of discrimination against officers of color. Officers who work at the MSP describe it as a racist work environment.

“We want a police force that promotes officers based on merit, that holds officers accountable for true misconduct and doesn’t mete out discipline in truly discriminatory ways,” said Michal Shinnar, who represents Byron Tribue, a current officer, along with two other current and former officers who are suing the department. All say they have been victims of discrimination and retaliation that have affected their careers.

“This is not the story of one individual like Mr. Tribue who has been harmed by discrimination. These are patterns and practices that exist in the Maryland State Police,” Shinnar said.

The officers who are suing the department said they hope this will become a class action lawsuit in which additional officers can get involved.

You can view the news clip here.

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