The controversy over what Wal-Mart employees are required to wear to work drew comments from JGL’s Brian Markovitz recently. The Forbes article titled How Walmart’s ‘Dress Code’ Costs Employees, reported on the new Wal-Mart clothing mandate that requires employees to dress in specific colors and types of clothing. Responding to the distinction between a “dress code” and a “uniform, Markovitz clarified the legal implications in Wal-Mart’s language use.
Citing the U.S. Department of Labor, Markovitz explains how the financial burden of the new clothing mandate lies with the employee rather than the employer. Since the clothing requirements fall in line with a dress code rather than a uniform, employees are expected to cover the cost of the apparel.
As a principal at Joseph Greenwald & Laake, Brian Markovitz focuses on Labor and Employment, Civil Litigation and the firm’s Whistleblower group.