According to the National Institute of Mental Health, in 2012 there were 43.7 million (18.6%) adults aged 18 or older in the U.S. with a mental illness[1]. In 2008, 13.4 percent of adults in the United States received treatment for a mental health problem (this includes adults who received care in inpatient or outpatient settings and/or used prescription medication for mental or emotional problems).

Based on the above percentages it is obvious that as attorneys in family law cases we are called upon to work with clients, or to oppose parties, who are currently in treatment, should be in treatment, or have previously been in treatment for mental illness. These are sensitive, private issues, which most individuals do not wish to share with anyone. The confidential nature of such issues has been recognized by the Maryland legislature, which codified a privilege which gives the right to refuse to disclose information regarding the client’s treatment.[3] The patient has the right to prevent his or her therapist from revealing any information as well.

When the privilege was initially enacted, it contained an exception which allowed a trial judge to compel the disclosure of privileged mental health records in a custody proceeding if the judge believed that the disclosure was necessary to determine custody.[4] This exception remained in the statute until it was repealed in 1977. The balance of the privilege statute remained unchanged.[5] The decision to repeal this exception was not taken lightly, and numerous organizations and individuals complained that the exception was not fair. Their argument was that the exception undermined an individual’s ability to speak candidly, or may even cause that individual to terminate therapy because they feared that their discussions with their therapist may be revealed to third parties.[6] If the individuals did not speak candidly or terminated therapy due to this fear, everyone, including the children, would suffer.[7]

As with any privilege, the mental health privilege is not absolute. Parties may waive the privilege by putting their mental health at issue, either as an element of their claim or as a defense. In Laznosky v Laznosky, the Court of Appeals was confronted with the issue of whether a parent (here, the mother) had put her mental health at issue when she sought custody of the children, and the parent makes the necessary claim that she is a fit and proper person to have custody.[8] After reviewing the vast legislative history of the privilege, the original custody exception and the decision to repeal the exception, the Maryland Court of Special Appeals found that one does not automatically put their mental health at issue by requesting custody of their children or making the requisite claim that they are a fit and proper person to have custody – otherwise there would be no privilege at all!

We accordingly hold that, while the mental and physical health of a party is an issue to be considered by the trial court, a person seeking an award of child custody that claims to be a fit parent, does not, without more, waive the confidential psychiatrist/psychologist-patient privilege in respect to her or his past mental health “diagnosis and treatment” communications and records. Fitness of parents is a fundamental and primary element of child custody litigation. It is present even if not stated. It is no more present when it is stated by one party or the other. An assertion that one is fit is merely an assertion that one meets the qualifications to be awarded custody. If it were the law in Maryland that anyone seeking custody of children specifically placed their mental condition in issue, there would be no psychiatrist-patient privilege in custody disputes. The Legislature clearly established a contrary public policy. It chose to preserve the privilege in custody cases.

Laznovsky v. Laznovsky, 357 Md. 586, 620-21, 745 A.2d 1054, 1072-73 (2000) (emphasis added).

But the discussion can not end there. While every party who brings a claim for custody may not have to disclose their mental health records, many parties feel forced to do so. If the opposing party has made an issue of the client’s mental health, and it is clear that the client either has or is currently dealing with mental health issues, you (the attorney and client) are immediately put on the defensive. If the client wishes to preserve his or her privacy, and not waive the privilege, the court is left with a negative inference that may legitimize the issues raised by the opposing party, and the client now has a Hobson’s choice.

If the client chooses not to waive the privilege, the client may be disadvantaged because those portions of their mental health records, or their therapist’s testimony, that are favorable and would indicate they are a fit and proper person to have custody will not be presented to the court. This must be weighed against the fact that by waiving the privilege the floodgates are opened, and the client cannot pick and choose which information the therapist has remains shielded by the privilege.

Waiving the privilege will likely lead to the client’s records ending up in the hands of the opposing party, and also before the court. Perhaps the only thing more nerve racking than having your therapist take the witness stand, subject to cross-examination, is having to submit your therapy records to the court and opposing party to pour over. Additionally, if a situation arises where the client’s therapist is unwilling or unable to testify in court, the client will not have the benefit of having a medical professional explain the records to the court, and will run the risk of having the court misinterpret the records. In this case, where the client has waived the privilege, but the author of the records is not testifying, one last ditch effort to protect the client’s privacy is to ask the court to exclude these records as hearsay. While there is a hearsay exception which allows for the introduction of medical records, there is a good case to be made that therapy records lack most of the indicia of reliability in which the exception for medical records is grounded. First, therapy records are generally being offered to “prove the truth of accounts of events and of complicated medical and psychiatric diagnosis. The accuracy of such accounts is affected by bias, judgment, any memory; they are not the routine product of an efficient clerical system. There is here lacking any internal check on the reliability of the records in this respect.”[9] Further, not only the accuracy of records may be compromised, but also therapy records contain diagnosis, which involve conjecture and opinion. The records often contain medical terms, phrases or symbols which a lay person, including the judge, may misinterpret. Additionally, the therapy records almost certainly contain statements from the client, or third party statements relayed to the therapist through the client. These statements are often taken out of context, and recorded based on the therapist’s own impressions or conclusions. Without the ability to cross examine the therapist, the court will never receive an accurate, complete picture of the client’s issue and treatment.

The court in New York Life Ins. Co. v. Taylor ultimately ruled that the records were inadmissible, however, you cannot rely on the same ruling from a Maryland judge presiding over a custody matter who may ultimately find that the court must review the records to determine what is in the best interest of the child.

So where does that leave us?

Instead of waiving the privilege consider an independent psychiatric evaluation of all involved parties. The evaluator will almost certainly require the parties to provide all of their mental health records, and that the parties allow the evaluator to speak with their treating professionals. However, the upside is that allowing one psychiatrist or psychologist to examine all involved parties and relevant collaterals may achieve a more balanced view of the situation. This view is shared by Dr. Jonas R. Rappeport, whose letter is included in the legislative history of Senate Bill 90 which bill excised the exception permitting judges to compel disclosure in custody matters, and which is quoted in Laznovsky, who felt that the court is well served by having the same psychiatrist and psychologist examine all parties in question to custody battles and thereby have an opportunity for a very well balanced view of the situation . . . [W]e feel that we are much more capable of rendering an unbiased, overall view of the situation and presenting recommendations that are truly in the best interest of the child than we might be able to do should we be involved with only one parent whether it be a long term therapeutic relationship or merely an evaluation.[10]

While, engaging a private evaluator, may be the least offensive choice, it comes with a hefty cost. The services of a private custody evaluator can cost anywhere from $5,000.00 to $20,000.00 or more. The reality is that most clients are unable to afford such an expense when already embroiled in costly litigation. Therefore, if the client doesn’t have the funds for a private evaluation, you will find yourself contemplating the choice between waiving the privilege and exposing the client’s innermost personal thoughts, asking the Court to appoint its custody evaluator, or perhaps leaving the trial judge with a less than favorable impression of the client’s mental health.

 * * *

Jeff Greenblatt thanks Allison McFadden for her contributions to this blog post.

* * *

[1] This data was collected defining mental illness asAMI: meaning Any Mental Illness: A mental, behavioral, or emotional disorder (excluding developmental and substance use disorders); Diagnosable currently or within the past year; and, of sufficient duration to meet diagnostic criteria specified in the 4th edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV).


[3] Md. Code Ann., Cts. & Jud. Proc. § 9-109 .

[4] Laznovsky v. Laznovsky, 357 Md. 586, 594, 745 A.2d 1054, 1058 (2000).

[5] Id., 357 Md. at 595, 745 A.2d at 1059 (2000).

[6] Id., 357 Md. at 596, 745 A.2d at 1059 (2000).

[7] Id., 357 Md. at 599, 745 A.2d at 1061 (2000).

[8] Id., 357 Md. at 592, 745 A.2d at 1057 (2000).

[9] New York Life Ins. Co. v. Taylor, 147 F.2d 297, 300 (DC Cir. 1944).

[10] Laznovsky, 357 Md. at 599, 745 A.2d at 1061 (2000).


(Image from the South Florida Law Blog)

Foreclosure. It was a relatively rare term just a few years ago but as we all know, with the collapse of the economy and the burst of the housing “bubble,” came the increase of foreclosures and bank-owned properties all over the United States.

In 2013, approximately 462,970 homes were repossessed by banks in the United States.  Luckily, the average number of foreclosures has decreased in many states. Unfortunately, Maryland has not fared as well. In 2013, Maryland reported an increase in its foreclosure sales by 117%! This means that defaults, short sales, and foreclosures are still a very real issue for many Marylanders.

However, the bigger question isn’t what happens if you lose your house to foreclosure; it’s what happens after a foreclosure. Many people believe that once their house is sold at a foreclosure sale, then their issues are over.  Sure, their credit is damaged and they might not be able to buy another house for a few years but for the time being, their financial woes related to owning their home are over.  Unfortunately, that isn’t usually the case.

When you purchase a home, you sign a Promissory Note stating to the bank that you promise to pay a certain amount of money.  The Note doesn’t say you promise to pay for as long as you own the home, just that you promise to pay!  More often than not, homes that go into foreclosure are worth less than what is owed on the Note; the common term that is used to describe this scenario is “underwater.”  This means that when the bank attempts to sell the property at a foreclosure sale, it is rare that a third party purchaser will buy the property and the bank oftentimes repossesses the home.  When this happens, there is usually a deficiency.  This occurs when the amount of money owed to the bank is not satisfied by the sale of the home at a foreclosure sale.

For example, Jane Doe owes $200,000.00 on her condo but the appraised value is only about $150,000.00.  At the foreclosure sale, the bank purchases the property for $160,000.00.  This leaves a deficiency of about $40,000.00 and guess who is responsible for the remaining debt?  That’s right, Jane Doe!

After the sale occurs, the Court approves the accounting of the foreclosure sale known as the Auditor’s Report.  Upon final ratification of the Auditor’s Report, the Bank can then petition the Court to issue a Deficiency Judgment.  Once a Judgment is obtained, the Bank can start to liquidate other assets owned by the Debtor (in our example, Jane Doe) and can even garnish her wages in order to satisfy the Judgment.  Even more disturbing is the fact that the Bank does not have to do this immediately after the foreclosure sale is over; it can wait up to three years!  Under §7-105.13 of the Real Property Article of the Maryland Annotated Code, the secured party must request a deficiency judgment within three years after the final ratification of the Auditor’s Report.  This means Jane Doe’s responsibility to pay off the remaining debt continues for many years after the foreclosure sale has occurred.

The Deficiency Judgment is a post-foreclosure remedy that is available not only to mortgage foreclosures but also to foreclosures of other lien instruments as well, including unpaid condominium or homeowner’s association fees.  That’s right; you read that correctly, a condominium or homeowner’s association can foreclose on your home to collect unpaid assessments.  This is true even if the homeowner is up to date on all of his or her mortgage payments.

This post should act as a cautionary tale to borrowers to beware before they sign on that dotted line at the closing table.  Be sure you know what you can truly afford before finalizing the purchase of a home.  If you find yourself in trouble financially, don’t wait until the last minute to notify your bank or condominium/homeowner’s association.  A secured party is more likely to work with a borrower if they are up front and honest about their financial situation early on before late fees and other costs and expenses start to accrue (which is also added to the borrower’s total debt).  Walking away from a home that is underwater isn’t necessarily the best option to get out from under the debt, despite the fact that many people believe it is.  A foreclosure on your home doesn’t just ruin your credit; ultimately, it could affect your financial situation for many years to come.

GREENBELT, Md. (June 20, 2014) – Joseph, Greenwald & Laake, P.A. is pleased to announce that Timothy F. Maloney, a principal at the firm, has been named the 2013-14 Litigator of the Year and Administrative Lawyer of the Year by the Litigation and Administrative Law sections, respectively, of the Maryland State Bar Association (MSBA).

Maloney was honored at the MSBA’s June 13 Annual Meeting in Ocean City, Md.

“We join the Maryland State Bar Association in congratulating Tim on this well-deserved recognition of his many achievements on behalf of our clients,” said Burt M. Kahn, the firm’s president. “Throughout his career, Tim has been a litigation leader and has earned the respect from his peers for his work on complex and high-stakes legal matters.”

Maloney has obtained millions of dollars in recoveries for his clients in a wide variety of complex matters, including civil rights, employment discrimination, whistleblower actions and high-stakes business litigation. He also has taken on the government in numerous high-profile police misconduct and criminal defense cases. 

In addition to his practice, Maloney is a member of the Maryland Judicial Campaign Conduct Committee, through which he works to promote the integrity of judicial elections and has helped establish statewide guidelines for judicial campaign funding. 

As a member of the Maryland House of Delegates from 1979 to 1994, Maloney chaired the House subcommittees on higher education, transportation, public safety and capital budgets, and was instrumental in bringing significant public investment to Prince George’s County, including the Clarice Smith Performing Arts Center, Prince George’s County Courthouse, Hyattsville Justice Center and College Park Airport Museum. 

Maloney also has held leadership roles with multiple civic and charitable organizations, including the University of Maryland Foundation, Maryland Catholic Conference and St. Ann’s Center for Children, Youth and Families.

GREENBELT, Md. (June 15, 2014) – Joseph, Greenwald & Laake, P.A. is pleased to announce that the firm’s attorneys Jay P. Holland, Joseph M. Creed and Meredith Schramm-Strosser have been recognized by the Maryland State Bar Association (MSBA) for their authorship of chapters in the new edition of the Maryland Employment Law Handbook.

Holland, Creed and Schramm-Strosser were honored at the MSBA’s June 13 Annual Meeting in Ocean City, Md. 

Published by the MSBA, the latest edition of the Maryland Employment Law Handbook features a chapter about the Family and Medical Leave Act, written by Holland and Schramm-Strosser. Creed authored the book’s chapter on Federal Sector Employment Law. 

Holland is a principal in the firm’s Civil Litigation Group and chair of the firm’s Labor, Employment, and Qui Tam Whistleblower practice. He counsels clients in individual and class action cases involving gender and race discrimination and sexual harassment, violations of the wage and hour laws, and wrongful termination. In his qui tam practice, Holland represents whistleblowers in actions under the federal False Claims Act. 

Creed serves as senior counsel in the firm’s Civil Litigation Group. He represents clients – most notably federal employees – in a wide variety of employment-related matters, including wrongful discharge, discrimination, retaliation and professional discipline cases. 

An associate in the firm’s Labor and Employment Law Group, Schramm-Strosser represents employees in a wide range of employment disputes, including those involving workplace discrimination, harassment and unlawful terminations. She also represents labor unions and counsels small businesses in employment-related matters. 

GREENBELT, Md. (June 13, 2014) – Joseph, Greenwald & Laake, P.A. is pleased to announce that Nakia Gray, Senior Counsel to the firm, has been re-elected to the Board of Directors of the Prince George’s County Bar Association (PGCBA). 

Gray was elected at the PGCBA’s June 10 meeting to serve another two-year term. She has been a member of the board since 2010. 

“We congratulate Nakia on her accomplishments and contributions to the bar and local community that have earned her another term as a member of the Prince George’s Country Bar Association Board,” said Burt M. Kahn, the firm’s president. “We look forward to her continued service to our profession.” 

A domestic relations lawyer, Gray has extensive experience representing clients in a wide range of family law matters, including divorce, custody, adoption, guardianships, estate planning and probate. 

Gray is a long-time, active supporter of the pro bono Family Law Clinic of Community Legal Services Prince George’s County, Inc. (CLS) and currently serves as the mentor to volunteer attorneys with the clinic. She is the recipient of the Fred Joseph Award from CLS for her commitment to pro bono service in Prince George’s County. 

Gray also is actively involved with numerous professional and civic organizations including the J. Franklyn Bourne Bar Association Judicial Nominations Committee, District of Columbia Bar Association, American Bar Association, Greater Washington Chapter of the Women Lawyers Division of the National Bar Association, and Taste Prince George’s Advisory Council. Formerly, Gray was a member of the Maryland State Bar Association Young Lawyers Section Council (2011-2012) and the J. Franklyn Bourne Bar Association Board of Directors (2008-2011). She also is a member of the Leadership Prince George’s Class of 2010.

Jerry Miller was recently quoted in a Law360 article entitled “Ethics Barriers Could Protect BigLaw from Big 4 Competition.The article discussed recent promises of aggressive expansion into legal marketing by the Big Four accounting firms. 

Miller was quoted as saying “The issue of big accounting firms competing with BigLaw for legal work has been percolating for years, but now there’s a groundswell,” said Miller. “It’s the commoditization of the legal practice, and it’s likely that you’ll see non-lawyer fee sharing rules take hold in the U.S., just as they have in Europe, Africa and other [areas].”

Jay Holland was recently quoted in Law360 on four, important employment law issues.

On July 1, Holland commented on the U.S. Supreme Court’s 5-4 ruling for Hobby Lobby in its challenge to federal regulations under the Affordable Care Act’s requirement that companies provide employees with contraception coverage. The Court cited the Religious Freedom Restoration Act.

“Though the rationale that the RFRA extended to companies echoed the high court’s controversial Citizens United decision in 2010, Monday’s ruling was ‘unprecedented’ in the context of protecting the freedom of religion of a for-profit corporate entity,” said Holland.

“The implications can be fairly dramatic,” Holland said of the Hobby Lobby ruling. “Closely held entities employ millions and millions of people.”

Also on July, Holland was quoted regarding the U.S. Supreme Court’s agreement to review a former UPS Inc. driver’s pregnancy discrimination suit, a case that gives the justices a chance to clarify employers’ obligations to accommodate pregnant workers and which may impact Equal Employment Opportunity Commission guidance on the issue.

Holland said, “Employers would have to be careful to heed, first, the guidance of the courts in their jurisdiction, but certainly not be blind to or ignore the EEOC’s guidance. It’s always safer to take a broader view of your obligations an employer.”

On June 27, Holland was quoted in an article regarding the Word Cup and the opportunity it presents for employers to improve office camaraderie through soccer-themed activities. “I always think it’s a good thing for employers to come up with creative ways to boost employee morale,” said Holland.

On May 21, the issue of same- sex marriage was the topic in the article Employers Must Rethink Policies After Gay Marriage Wins. “That’s very significant, that these states where the federal courts have struck down [same-sex marriage bans] as unconstitutional … must also comply with FMLA,” said Holland. “That’s a very big issue for employers and employees alike. When it comes to company policies and practices, that’s something people need to look at,” he said.

From the Maryland Bar Journal, July 2014
by Barbara Jorgenson and Nakia Gray

In 2000, when our firm’s pro bono service began in an organized way, we were a firm of 22 lawyers. Today, we are a law firm of 42 lawyers, with two full-time offices. Are we a small firm? Are we a big small firm? Even an Internet search doesn’t help with the definition, but this we know: We are big enough to have rules and policies regulating our pro bono work which attracts us.

However you describe Joseph Greenwald & Laake, P.A., the firm can trace pro bono cases back to its beginning. JGL was founded more than 40 years ago by three then newly barred lawyers. One of those lawyers was the late Fred Joseph, who many may remember was a consummate trial lawyer who loved representing the little-guy underdog, most often for free. When you mention Fred’s name, someone almost always tells the story about Fred representing the guy who sold ribs from a food truck on Route 1 in Beltsville when the local government tried to kick him off his spot. This was the pro bono tradition under which your authors were raised and now practice. 

Prior to 2000, pro bono at Joseph Greenwald & Laake was entirely self-directed. If you wanted to do it and could make the time, you did it. Then in 2000, things began changing.

In early 2000, co-author Barbara Jorgenson was talking with her partner, Steven Friedman, about the practice of family law in the firm’s home county of Prince George’s. Friedman mentioned that there had been a pro bono family law clinic in Prince George’s County for many years but the mentor had left the county to practice elsewhere. “When he went, so did the clinic,” said Friedman.

With that comment, a new pro bono clinic was about to be born.

But there were questions: How do you find pro bono clients? How do you decide among seemingly deserving pro bono clients? What kinds of cases should be included? How many should you take each year? Jorgenson consulted Neal Conway, the longtime executive director of Community Legal Services of Prince George’s County (CLSPGC), whose organization had more family law clients in need of representation than lawyers to provide that representation.

Read full story







WASHINGTON (CN) – A North Carolina firm must defend itself against claims it lied to get into two Small Business Administration programs to snare lucrative government contracts, a federal judge ruled.

LB&B Associates Inc. describes itself on its website as a “diversified services company” doing unspecified work for government agencies, commercial entities, institutions and businesses. Central to its identity is presenting itself as a woman-owned, minority business.

But two lawsuits, one filed by former employees and the other by the federal government, claim that was not exactly the case, and that the company lied to get into two Small Business Administration programs for minority businesses.

In the first case the plaintiffs claim LB&B and its officers lied to get certified under the SBA’s Section 8(a) program, a business development program for small businesses owned by people who are socially and economically disadvantaged.

They claim the same pattern of dishonesty occurred when the company applied to the SBA’s Mentor-Protégé program, which allows a non-Section 8(a) company to form a joint venture with a Section 8(a)-eligible company. The program is designed to encourage an approved mentor, which is not a Section 8(a) concern, to provide managerial, financial, and technical assistance to improve a protégé’s ability to compete for government contracts.

Both would be, among other things, violations of the federal False Claims Act.

On April 14, 2011, the federal government filed a notice of election to intervene in part, electing to intervene in the plaintiffs’ claims only insofar as they relate to the LB&B defendants’ participation in the Section 8(a) program, but not the Mentor-Protégé program.

The government filed its complaint in intervention on Aug. 19, 2011. Its complaint asserts two additional causes of action against LB&B: for common law negligent misrepresentation and fraud.

The defendants sought to dismiss both lawsuits. LB&B and its officers first contended that because the government has intervened in this action with respect to the company’s participation in the 8(a) program, the claims filed by the original plaintiffs had been rendered impermissibly duplicative.

“The Government agrees that its complaint in intervention is the operative complaint as to all claims in which it has intervened. However, the Government notes that Relators also still have the right to continue in the action as parties with respect to those intervened claims,” U.S. District Judge Emmet G. Sullivan wrote in his July 16 ruling. “The Government therefore recommends that the Court deny as moot defendants’ motion to dismiss the Section 8(a) claims in Relators’ initial complaint.”

Sullivan agreed, noting the defendant made no showing whatsoever that continuing the earlier case would cause them any undue burden or expense that would justify limiting their participation.

“Therefore, because the Government’s complaint in intervention supersedes Relators’ complaint with respect to the intervened claims, and because Relators have the right to continue as parties to this action, the Court will deny defendants’ motion to dismiss Relators’ claims, to the extent that they are duplicative of the Government’s claims, as moot,” Sullivan wrote.

The defendants also argued that all of the government’s False Claim Act claim predating Feb. 1, 2001 are barred by the statute of limitations.

The government responded by arguing the defendants ignored a fundamental principle of the qui tam mechanism: “that for statute of limitations purposes, the Government stands in the shoes of the relator.”

“Thus, if a relator’s claim is timely, so too will a government complaint in intervention alleging the same wrongdoing be timely, regardless of when it is filed,” Sullivan wrote.

But the government’s claims did not all survive the judge’s scrutiny. Sullivan held that its common law fraud and negligent misrepresentation claims “sound in tort,” and therefore they are governed by a different statute of limitations that the other claims.

“The Government is correct that its complaint in intervention relates back to the filing of Relator’s complaint, because it arises out of the same conduct, transaction, or occurrence … However, it does not then follow that the ten-year statute of limitations in section 3731(b)(2) applies to the Government’s common law claims; the statute of limitations in 28 U.S.C. § 2415(b) still applies,” Sullivan wrote.

“Thus, the Court must count back from Feb. 1, 2007 to determine which claims are timely. Accordingly, to the extent that the Government’s fraud and negligent misrepresentation claims arise out of factual allegations that predate February 1, 2004, they are time-barred.” 

Joseph Greenwald & Laake Creates The Thousand Hours Project To Help With Foreclosure Crisis

Law Firm Will Team With Local Housing Agency

GREENBELT-Joseph, Greenwald & Laake, P.A., the largest law firm in Prince George’s County, has created The Thousand Hours Project, to assist local homeowners hit by the exploding foreclosure crisis.

JGL will donate 1,000 hours of pro bono legal services to help local homeowners. “The size of this project is unprecedented not only for JGL but for the State of Maryland as well,” noted project organizer and JGL partner, Barbara A. Jorgenson, Esq. Pro bono services are provided without charge to the client, explained Jorgenson. “This project continues the ongoing commitment of JGL to its home community,” she said.

JGL will team with local counseling agency, Housing Initiative Partnership, Inc., in Hyattsville. HIP will screen cases and refer them for legal assistance to a team of lawyers at JGL who have been specially trained to assist homeowners facing foreclosure.

Earlier this year, in celebration of its 40th anniversary, JGL held a fund-raiser for the benefit of HIP. “The Thousand Hours Project picks up where the fund-raiser left off,” said David Bulitt, JGL partner who organized the fundraiser. “We are very pleased to continue our association with HIP.”

The Thousand Hours Project was conceived in response to the growing foreclosure crisis, which has hit Prince George’s County harder than any other Maryland county. “I heard Phillip Robinson of Civil Justice speak at a seminar. I couldn’t believe the breadth and depth of the crisis right here in our home county,” explained Jorgenson. Thus, The Thousand Hours Project was born. It was approved by the Firm’s Board of Directors at its June meeting.

“While our initial efforts will center on cases referred from HIP or Civil Justice,” said Jorgenson, “we anticipate doing cases throughout our practice areas in Montgomery, Prince George’s, Frederick, Anne Arundel, Howard, and the Southern Maryland counties.” Case referrals will also be accepted through the Community Legal Services of Prince George’s County, from which JGL received the award for Outstanding Pro Bono Service in 2007.

Jorgenson will coordinate for JGL. Mary Hunter, Esq., will coordinate for HIP. Diane Cipollone, Esq., will coordinate for Civil Justice.

Timothy F. Maloney, a principal with the law firm of Joseph, Greenwald and Laake has been honored by his peers and will be included in the 2012 edition of Benchmark as a leading Plaintiffs star in Maryland. This means that Mr. Maloney has been identified as one of the preeminent Plaintiffs litigation practitioners in the country.

Four Joseph, Greenwald & Laake Attorneys Honored with 2011 Trial Lawyer of the Year Award



Sarah Cody

(202) 997-6798

Four Joseph, Greenwald & Laake Attorneys Honored with 2011 Trial Lawyer of the Year Award by the

Maryland Association for Justice

GREENBELT, MD, May 5, 2011—Joseph, Greenwald and Laake, P.A. (JGL), a prominent law firm servicing suburban Maryland and Washington, DC., announced today that four of its attorneys—Timothy F. Maloney, Cary J. Hansel, Steven B. Vinick and Veronica B. Nannis—have been honored with the 2011 Trial Lawyer of the Year Award by the Maryland Association for Justice (MAJ).  The MAJ Trial Lawyer of the Year Award may be bestowed upon the Maryland trial lawyer or team of trial lawyers who have made the greatest contribution to the public interest by litigating a case of precedential value—either because itchanged the law in a way that is beneficial to Marylanders or has, for other reasons, “sent a message” to those who might otherwise trample upon the rights of Maryland citizens.

JGL also congratulates Thomas J. Mooney, Esq. of Mooney and Associates for also receiving this award, as well as recognizes its other dedicated lawyers and staff who assisted in the recent cases Prince George’s County vs. Longtin and Espina v. Prince George’s County.

“We are extremely proud of these attorneys and the jobs they’ve done on these two and their other cases,” said JGL Managing Director Burt Kahn.  “They are completely dedicated to protecting the rights of their clients, and this award is a testament to this dedication.”

The MAJ Trial Lawyer of the Year Award honors those attorneys who may have engaged in a broad range of committed work that furthers our goal of keeping families safe, including but not limited to civil rights, consumer rights, workers’ rights, human rights and/or corporate responsibility.

About Joseph, Greenwald & Laake, P.A.

Joseph, Greenwald & Laake (JGL) has been providing legal counsel to clients in Maryland and Washington, DC for more than forty years.  The firm has more than 35 attorneys, primarily practicing in the areas of medical malpractice, family law, bankruptcy, business law, labor and employment law, estate planning, civil litigation, criminal defense, workers’ compensation and personal injury.  The firm has offices in Greenbelt and Rockville, Maryland.  For more information, visit
