JGL was well-represented at the Prince George’s County Economic Development Corporation’s Capitol Access Event! Paul Herrmann, JGL’s director of marketing, is pictured below with PGEDC President Jim Coleman, MD Secretary of Commerce Mike Gill as well as several PG business owners and elected officials.  


Our Jay Holland was quoted twice in the news media last week on Trump’s travel ban. Check out both stories in the links below.

Trump officials scramble after travel ban defeat


Check out a new article in The MD Daily record about Brian’s new LinkedIn group focused on social justice. Click below for the link.




GREENBELT, MD., February — , 2017 — Joseph Greenwald & Laake P.A. is pleased to announce that Darin Rumer has been elected as an Income Partner and Matthew Focht has been elected as a Senior Counsel.

“At Joseph Greenwald & Laake, we take an intergenerational view of our talent and through that process we are thrilled to elevate Darin and Matt,” said Burt Kahn, Managing Director. “We are delighted that we have such a fine contingent of younger lawyers, and we want to reward the excellent work they have done in serving our clients.”

Darin Rumer is a member of the Firm’s Family Law Group, where he regularly advises clients on a variety of family law matters, including child custody and divorce, separation agreements, child support and alimony issues, property distribution issues, and domestic violence. Darin received his B.A. in 1997 from Clemson University, and his J.D. in 2000 from Regent University School of Law.

Matthew Focht is a member of the Firm’s Personal Injury Group and handles all aspects of civil litigation at the state and federal level in Maryland and the District of Columbia with an emphasis on plaintiff’s-side personal injury cases.  He is a 1995 graduate of Loyola College in Maryland. He earned his law degree in 2001 from the Catholic University of America, Columbus School o

About Joseph Greenwald & Laake

For more than 40 years, Joseph Greenwald & Laake has worked with individuals and businesses in  Maryland, the District of Columbia and Virginia taking on the most complex of legal issues with sophisticated counsel and a personal touch. JGL serves clients in virtually all areas of the law.



Paul Herrmann



On Tuesday, February 7, 2017, at noon, shareholder David Bulitt will be the featured speaker at a luncheon meeting of the Bar Association of Frederick County, Md. The event will take place at the Delaplaine Arts Center, 40 South Carroll Street in Frederick.
David will discuss the balance that he has aimed for between practicing law as a divorce lawyer, being a father of four daughters, and being a novelist, and why he decided to kick off a writing career at age 50.
David will speak about his new novel, BECAUSE I HAD TO, which was published in late January, 2017 and has already received dozens of five star reviews from readers and reviewers alike. Alternatively told from the perspectives of a 23 year old woman and an over 50 divorce lawyer, the novel draws heavily on David’s 30 years of experience raising children, one of them with severe mental health issues, as well as his representing clients in the area of family law. David’s first novel, CARD GAME, was published in 2015.

There have been countless articles this year about the efforts of President Donald Trump and the Republican-controlled Congress to end Obamacare and replace it with some other health insurance program. But the Washington Post reported at the end of 2016 that the GOP has another, much less publicized, health “reform” in mind that would harm victims of medical negligence by significantly cutting back medical malpractice awards nationwide.
This plan to limit malpractice damage awards doesn’t help patients or result in safer outcomes – just the contrary. If passed, it would take legal tools out of the hands of victims of medical negligence, with no benefit to the public (other than Heath Care Providers). Those who care protecting the public from medical mistakes need to follow this issue very closely, since to this point it has escaped almost all public notice. The public needs to stand ready to expose these proposals for what they are.
According to the Post’s December 30, 2016, article, GOP leaders, including Health and Human Services Secretary-designate Tom Price, want to “make it easier for doctors to defend themselves in malpractice cases and raise the burden of proof on patients claiming to have been injured. Most Republicans also back sharp limits on damage awards, often citing California’s landmark law capping noneconomic damages at $250,000 as a national model.”
The article points out that Price, an orthopedic surgeon who has practiced in the Atlanta area for more than 20 years, is a longtime supporter of “lawsuit abuse reform” as a way of reducing the nation’s health spending.
In fact, on January 4, 2017, the House Republican Study Committee, a caucus of conservative GOP House members, introduced an Obamacare replacement proposal that would, among many other things, make it harder for patients to sue their doctors for medical negligence.
However, as the Post article points out, the nation is not in the midst of a medical malpractice crisis. Far from it, the system is working quite well. Doctors are paying less for malpractice insurance now than they did in 2001, even after adjusting for inflation. Even without any of these draconian reforms the rate of claims has dropped by half since 2003. As the saying goes, if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.
The “crisis” in need of a solution seems to be that doctors believe they reaping as much profit as they could with even lower premiums. It’s a power grab, pure and simple from the congress and president the medical lobby has been praying for years.
The Post article quotes Michelle Mello, a Stanford University law professor, as saying, “What strikes me about these current proposals is that they really represent the agenda of medical professionals, which is all about limiting liability. To take any malpractice reform seriously, it has to offer something to improve the situation of patients and lead to safer outcomes.”
The GOP plan does precisely the opposite  by insulating careless heath care providers from their mistakes.

We are pleased to announce 13 of our attorneys have been named Super Lawyers. Only 5% of attorneys nation wide make this annual list. Click below for more details!


The damages sustained by a seriously injured child do not just relate to the child himself.  They also affect the altered lifestyles of siblings and parents and encompass a whole host of experts who are necessary to explain, prognosticate, and portray what the child and the family’s life will become.  This paper will concentrate on the psychological and emotional damages and not on the economic loss.  Obviously in fully presenting damages a life care plan and economist are essential.


            A catastrophic injury may appear to speak for itself; however, to portray the full scope of the situation, the attorney needs to understand the child’s relationship to himself and to the world around him.

            There are two types of injuries that may exist either individually or together:  functional and emotional.  This will depend on whether the child was born with the severe damage, perhaps because of obstetrical malpractice, or born normal and have suffered some catastrophic incident (medical or otherwise) subsequently.

            Catastrophic injuries come in varying degrees.  There is the child who has suffered total brain damage and is incapable of understanding his situation and yet still feels pain.  There is the child who has suffered a catastrophic injury which has left his or her brain function in tact.  One must comprehend how the child copes with what is wrong and why he is different.   In the case of a severe brachial plexus injury (as a result of the failure to appropriately address a shoulder dystocia) to quadriplegia, (from a gymnastics incident or perhaps an auto accident), the child may fully be aware of the injury he has suffered.   What may not be evident to him (depending upon his age) is the depth of the emotional damage and feelings that he will have after he realizes how he must live the rest of his life.  This will be brought to light dramatically by his or her interaction or the lack thereof with peers and may lead to the destruction of or the inability to create a positive self-image.              

            The child who has been the victim of severe trauma has many emotional and psychological needs.  This encompasses the need to understand and to learn to express feelings – sadness, fear of the future and their sense of loss[1].   These realizations pass through different stages.        

            Anger may arise from different feelings including frustration, fear, helplessness, and humiliation.[2]  This anger may cause the child to react in different ways.   Anger may have its good and bad sides.  When it is directed internally it can lead to depression.  When it is turned outward it may motivate the child to achieve.[3]   In those cases where the child can achieve those successes they will demonstrate to a jury the strength of the human spirit.   We all have a special feeling for those who fight to improve themselves especially when they are facing almost insurmountable odds.         

            Other stages that the child will go through are depression and adoption.   Adoption may lead to the loss of self-esteem as the child feels helpless.  The child may rethink his self-image in light of the critical changes that have taken place in his life, in his surroundings, and in his abilities.[4] 

            In the appropriate case, where the child has a brain function and has achieved, the attorney should resist the impulse to dwell on the negative.   In a case involving a high school student who became a quadriplegic because of alleged negligence on the part of an art teacher who was made the gymnastics coach the jury was addressed as follows:    

“. . . Peter has been able to do a lot.  He has been able to use his hands to some extent.   The evidence will show that he has been able to do basic things that he could not do after he was hurt, like brush his teeth or open a box of cereal.  He can do those and we are going to those.  And we are going to show you a videotape of what it is like in the day of the life.”


Of course, it is important to advise the jury also of the extent of the injury:

“. . . Peter became, at that time, a quadriplegic.  That meant that most of his body was not working.  It means his arms were not working and his legs were not working and his bladder was not working, and he had no control over his body functions.  And most of that, a lot of that, still exists today.”                                  



            It is easy to concentrate on the injuries of a severely injured child, but one must also examine the family relationship and how it has changed.   How do his brothers and sisters and parents handle what has happened.  How do his siblings react to the fact that most of the parents’ attention and time is spent on the victim.            

            Many parents of brain injured children want to take care of them at home, however, what happens when the child grows and reaches puberty?  What happens when neither mother nor father can physically handle such as bathing?  To accurately portray the totality of the care that the child will need, appropriate experts, neurologists, orthopedists, rehabilitation physicians and life care planners need to be consulted.

            The emotional damage to a family can also be severe, from depression, to the lack of understanding of younger siblings about their relationship to the injured child.  All of this may add to the victim’s pain and suffering.  A psychological profile of the family can put things in perspective.      

            A neuropsychologist will need to meet with the child and outline the types of therapies that will need to cope with rejection as well as the uncomfortable situations that will be regularly encountered when confronted by staring strangers.  Finally, the family will need help in handling those strangers who cannot resist the temptation to inquire as to why the child has this problem.          


            The child’s ability to be functionally educated may be directly tied to a difference between performance skills and abilities.   The results of testing will help the life care planner and the neuropsychologist, outline the type of therapies the child will need to reach his or her maximum potential.   The more special help the child needs, the greater the cost. 

An issue that must be addressed head-on is the issue of life expectancy.   There are studies that have been done dealing with life expectancy based upon such things as reaching certain milestones and the child’s ability to do certain functional things.  One must be careful in examining the literature to determine its age and its scope.  There have been studies done in England, California, Australia, and Illinois.   The longer a seriously disabled child lives the longer the life expectancy seems to be.   The attorney handling these cases must look carefully into the qualifications of the people doing these studies, the data bases from which the statistics are taken, the error rate in the medical journals, whether these materials have been reviewed by statisticians as well as other issues.  It is this writer’s belief that the child should be entitled to the best help and care available so that he or she can reach his or her maximum potential.

PRESENTING THE CHILD                     

            It is important, for the child not only to be portrayed as he or she is, but how he or she will be in the future.  The child may need several operations.   How much hope and courage can the human spirit display operation after operation?  How much optimism can the family instill in the child after he fails to improve after numerous medical procedures?  Many children are scared when they go to the doctor.  Imagine how they feel every time they return for surgery; how the parents feel every time they are given informed consent and told their child may not come out of the procedure alive.                 

            There are many ways to portray the child in the courtroom:  the “Day in the Life” film, still photographs, and the child him or herself.   However, above all else, it is a sensitive and compassionate presentation, covering all of the aspects of the injured child’s present and future that will illustrate the best picture of what is and what can be.



[1] K. K. Graham, Crisis Intervention with Victims of Trauma (remarks at the 1984 Mid-America Symposium on Trauma, Nov. 9-11, 1984, Dearborn, Mich.)     

[2] M. Hanak & A. Scott, Spinal Cord Injury:  An Illustrated Guide for Health Care Professionals 2 (1983).



You can find his article, “Anticipate Goals and Habits of Mellennial Beneficiaries” below. 

Jeffrey Greenblatt an co. had an article published in Estate Planning Magazine. Check it out. 

On January 12, 2017, Joseph Greenwald & Laake principals Jay Holland and Jerry Miller spoke and gave on-the-spot legal advice to local entrepreneurs at a boot camp program in Prince George’s County. The event, with the theme “Take Your Business to the Next Level,” was sponsored by the Center for Entrepreneurial Development of Prince George’s Community College, in Hyattsville, Md.

Miller spoke on the topic of tax and property issues affecting small businesses, and Holland spoke about employment issues affecting small businesses. Both donated their time in giving their presentations and in engaging in one-on-one meetings after their presentations with individual entrepreneurs who were attending.

Miller said, “This was a great event at which everyone gained something. We were able to put our finger on the pulse of entrepreneurship in this fast-growing county where we are located and to meet and advise people who are growing their businesses. The entrepreneurs obtained useful advice on how to build their businesses and avoid legal pitfalls.”

The Center for Entrepreneurial Development describes itself as “a catalyst for the county’s growing economy” that “prepares local entrepreneurs to take full advantage of business opportunities in Prince George’s County and throughout the Washington Metropolitan region.”

Holland is the Chair of the firm’s Labor, Employment and Whistleblower practice, and Miller is a principal in Joseph Greenwald & Laake’s Business Services Group.

The event was co-sponsored by the Prince George’s County Bar Association and by the Maryland State Bar Young Lawyer’s Section Pro Bono Committee.

Whistleblowers and those who support and represent them will be pleased and energized by a December 28, 2016, ruling by U.S. District Judge George H. King of the Central District of California in a case involving the unapproved, or off-label, marketing of prescription drugs.

Doctors are generally allowed to prescribe prescription drugs for uses that haven’t been approved by the Food and Drug Administration, but pharma companies are barred under federal law from marketing drugs to doctors for these unapproved uses.

In this case, Celgene, a major biotech company, was targeted by a former employee, Beverly Brown, who blew the whistle on the company’s marketing practices. Brown alleged that Celgene promoted two of its prescription drugs, Thalomid and Revlimid, for use in cancer patients, an application that the FDA had not approved.

Brown was hired by Celgene in April 2001, essentially in a sales and marketing capacity. In late 2007, she became concerned when her manager instructed her to call doctors to ask them to change the billing codes associated with prescriptions of Celgene’s drugs. Brown complained to management about the practice, which she believed was illegal. She later contacted the FDA, and in 2010, she filed a qui tam case against Celgene on behalf of the federal government, 24 states, the District of Columbia, and the City of Chicago.

In her complaint, she alleged that Celgene illegally promoted Thalomid and Revlimid to doctors for unapproved uses. She invoked the federal False Claims Act and similar state laws.

The theory behind her case, as is typical in whistleblower cases, was that the federal government and state governments spent money on these drugs for their unapproved uses under the Medicare and Medicaid programs and other health-care programs. Since these uses were unapproved, each claim for reimbursement by Celgene under a health-care program constituted a false claim under these laws, Brown asserted.

Celgene sought summary judgment, but Judge King rejected that motion and found that a reasonable jury could conclude in Brown’s favor – so that case can and will proceed.

The judge wrote, “Brown’s evidence shows that Celgene engaged in a systematic campaign to promote off-label uses of Thalomid and Revlimid, that physicians who received more promotional contacts prescribed at a higher rate than those who received fewer contacts, that Celgene knew its promotional activities were delivering results, and that marketing to doctors is generally effective.”

Looking carefully and precisely at the very complex Medicare statute, Judge King squarely concluded that “Medicare claims that seek reimbursement for non-medically accepted uses are false as a matter of law.” 

Revlimid’s total sales in 2015 were $5.8 billion, and the case against Celgene is estimated to have involved hundreds of thousands of prescriptions, so the stakes are very high in this case. What’s more, Judge King has delivered an unequivocal statement that the False Claims Act has a major role to play in challenging off-label uses of prescription drugs.
