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“Federal judge rules racial discrimination lawsuit against Maryland State Police can continue,” The Baltimore Sun

Michal Shinnar

In an article published in The Baltimore Sun on September 16, 2024, Michal Shinnar applauded a federal judge’s ruling that a racial discrimination lawsuit against the Maryland State Police (MSP) can move forward. “We think that this is a great ruling for plaintiffs, in terms of allowing this important case to move forward, and rejecting the arguments that MSP had made about why it should be dismissed,” Shinnar said.

The lawsuit, which asked a judge to certify class action status on behalf of employees of color, dates to 2022 when three named plaintiffs alleged the state police force has a longstanding pattern of discrimination through discipline, retaliation against officers who make complaints and denied promotions. The state police sought to have the complaint dismissed in federal court, but the court ruled that some of the claims against the statewide police agency could move to the discovery stage.

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