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Brian Markovitz interviewed by “Of Counsel”


The prominent legal practice and management report Of Counsel recently interviewed several attorneys, including Joseph, Greenwald & Laake principal Brian J. Markovitz to discuss the current trends of class action litigation. While Northern California is currently seeing an uptick in employment class action suits for wage-and-hour and equal employment opportunity, Markovitz shared that he is experiencing a growing number of labor and employment class action suits in the Washington, DC area, especially in the construction industry. In these cases, Markovitz says that employers tend to hire workers of Hispanic descent and do not pay them correctly or at all.

“Many construction companies hire them to do the work and then flat-out don’t pay them,” Brian told Of Counsel. “Given the current political climate, a lot of these employers think it’s easy to leverage them.”

Of Counsel also captured Brian’s perspective on class action suits in the information security sector, given the recent prevalence of high-profile data breaches. “We think there will be an explosion of lawsuits for negligence involving data breaches,” Brian predicted. “There are various state-law statutes that allow people to be what they call ‘private attorneys general’…It’s an up-and-coming area. We are gearing up for that and intend to be on the forefront of it.”

As principal in Joseph, Greenwald & Laake’s Labor and Employment and Civil Litigation practice groups, Brian has extensive experience representing clients in labor cases. He has won his clients numerous highly profitable settlements and has been honored as one of the nation’s top 100 trial lawyers for his work

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