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Jay Holland speaks to Law360 regarding recent firing of NBC’s Matt Lauer for sexual misconduct allegations

Joseph Greenwald & Laake principal Jay Holland commented on a story about NBC’s recent firing of Matt Lauer on November 29 for Law360. Lauer, the former co-host of The Today Show, was fired after the network received allegations of workplace sexual misconduct on November 27.

The company’s actions came before these allegations were made public, making NBC one of the first companies to take this type of swift, preemptive action following allegations of this type. Jay spoke to Brandon Campbell about the accusations and about whether this type of swift action will be something that more companies do moving forward.

In the article, Jay said that Lauer’s firing is “notable for its apparent swiftness,” and that NBC “appears to be raising the bar for employers as it relates to swiftness of action.” However, Jay also noted reports that NBC “may have known about the allegations for quite some time.”

Jay Holland is a principal in JGL’s Civil Litigation Group, and the chair of the firm’s Labor, Employment and Qui Tam Whistleblower practice. He is a renowned employment and qui tam litigator known for taking on tough cases and achieving exceptional results.

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